GenAICHI 2023

This page describes The CHI 2023 Workshop on Generative AI and HCI.
- Venue: Online
- Workshop Date: 28 April 2023
- Submission Deadline: 23 February 2023
- Notification: 9 March 2023
- Submission Website:
- Submission Templates: ACM Template (4 pages max excluding references - Anonymous submissions preferred, but not required.)
In the past year, we have seen or made powerful tools that can create images from textual descriptions or conduct reasonably conherent conversations, make writing suggestions for creative writers, and write code as a pair programmer. We have also seen claims of what an historical person “really looked like,” and of a “completed” version of a musical compositions left unfinished by their composer’s untimely death. What all of these examples have in common is that the AI does not simply categorize data and interpret text as determined by models, but instead creates something new—e.g., in images, molecules, or designs. This work moves the potential of AI systems from problem solving to problem finding, and it tends to change the “role” of the AI from decision-maker to human-supporter. Following a successful CHI workshop in 2022, we focus on various aspects of generative AI and its interactions with humans, including
- new sociotechnical opportunities for work and recreation that are afforded by powerful new interactive capabili- ties
- novel design challenges of systems that produce a different outcome after each invocation
- ethical issues related to their design and use; and
- useful patterns for collaboration between humans and generative AI in different domains
Generative AI can be defined as an AI system that uses existing media to create new, plausible media. This scope is broad, and the generative potential of AI systems varies greatly. Over the last decade, we have seen a shift in methodology moving from expert systems based on patterns and heavy human curating towards stochastic and generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) that use big data to produce convincingly human-like results in various domains, and Large Language Models (LLMs) that can generate text, source code, and images from simple instructions (“prompts”).
Program and Schedule
The workshop program can be found below. If a link to your camera ready submission is still missing, please send it to the chairs via e-mail.
Note: Some authors chose not to provide public links to their papers.
CEST | UTC | EDT | Session | Session Chair | Paper Title | Primary Contact Author Name |
2:00 PM | 12:00 PM | 8:00 AM | Introduction | Greg Walsh | ||
2:15 PM | 12:15 PM | 8:15 AM | Analysis | Anna Kantosalo | A Multidisciplinary Approach of Exploring the Synergy of Human Creativity and Artificial Intelligence | Ani Withöft |
2:20 PM | 12:20 PM | 8:20 AM | Analysis | Anna Kantosalo | An Exploration of Prompt Based Biases in AI Art Generated Tools | Nabila Chowdhury |
2:25 PM | 12:25 PM | 8:25 AM | Analysis | Anna Kantosalo | LMCanvas: Object-Oriented Interaction to Personalize Large Language Model-Powered Writing Environments | Tae Soo Kim |
2:30 PM | 12:30 PM | 8:30 AM | Analysis | Anna Kantosalo | Creative ownership and control for generative AI in art and design | Alexa Steinbrück |
2:35 PM | 12:35 PM | 8:35 AM | Analysis | Anna Kantosalo | ‘Will it substitute us?’’ : Understanding artists’ reactions to generative AI models | Hanlin Li |
2:40 PM | 12:40 PM | 8:40 AM | Analysis | Anna Kantosalo | Who’s Thinking? : A Push for Human-Centered Evaluation of LLMs using the XAI Playbook | Teresa Datta |
2:45 PM | 12:45 PM | 8:45 AM | discussion | Anna Kantosalo | ||
2:55 PM | 12:55 PM | 8:55 AM | break | |||
3:05 PM | 1:05 PM | 9:05 AM | Specific Applications | Vera Liao | Generative AI for Product Design: Getting the Right Design and the Design Right | Matthew K Hong |
3:10 PM | 1:10 PM | 9:10 AM | Specific Applications | Vera Liao | Envisioning the Applications and Implications of Generative AI for News Media | Sachita Nishal |
3:15 PM | 1:15 PM | 9:15 AM | Specific Applications | Vera Liao | Exploring outlooks towards generative AI-based assistive technologies for people with Autism | Deepak Giri |
3:20 PM | 1:20 PM | 9:20 AM | Specific Applications | Vera Liao | Content Repurposing in Knowledge Work: Implications for Generative AI | Siân Lindley |
3:25 PM | 1:25 PM | 9:25 AM | discussion | Vera Liao | ||
3:40 PM | 1:40 PM | 9:40 AM | break | |||
3:50 PM | 1:50 PM | 9:50 AM | Supoort for Broader Application Domains | Mary Lou Maher | ChatGPT for Moderating Customer Inquiries and Responses to Alleviate Stress and Reduce Emotional Dissonance of Customer Service Representative | Hyung-Kwon Ko |
3:55 PM | 1:55 PM | 9:55 AM | Supoort for Broader Application Domains | Mary Lou Maher | Leveraging Generative AI and Human Collaboration in Peer-Feedback | Tianying Chen |
4:00 PM | 2:00 PM | 10:00 AM | Supoort for Broader Application Domains | Mary Lou Maher | 🍄 Power-up! What Can Generative Models Do for Human Computation Workflows? | Garrett M Allen |
4:05 PM | 2:05 PM | 10:05 AM | Supoort for Broader Application Domains | Mary Lou Maher | ARTIST: ARTificial Intelligence for Simplified Text | Lorenzo Corti |
4:10 PM | 2:10 PM | 10:10 AM | Supoort for Broader Application Domains | Mary Lou Maher | CHAI-DT: Prompting Conversational Generative AI Agents to Actively Participate in Co-creation | Brandon A Harwood |
4:15 PM | 2:15 PM | 10:15 AM | discussion | Mary Lou Maher | ||
4:25 PM | 2:25 PM | 10:25 AM | meal | |||
4:55 PM | 2:55 PM | 10:55 AM | Design | Greg Walsh | Ethically Aligned Stakeholder Elicitation (EASE): Case Study in Music-AI | Anna-Kaisa Kaila |
5:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 11:00 AM | Design | Greg Walsh | Structured Collaborative Trial and Error as an Interaction Paradigm for Generative AI | Anthony Jameson |
5:05 PM | 3:05 PM | 11:05 AM | Design | Greg Walsh | AI storytelling with children: Entertainment Platform or Creative Collaborator? “You are who you choose to be”1 How children conceive of collaboration with a generative AI system | elizabeth m bonsignore |
5:10 PM | 3:10 PM | 11:10 AM | Design | Greg Walsh | Exploring the Role of Play in Human-Generative AI Interactions | Caiseal R Beardow |
5:15 PM | 3:15 PM | 11:15 AM | Design | Greg Walsh | Rolling the Dice: Imagining Generative AI as a Dungeons & Dragons Storytelling Companion | Jose Maria III B Santiago |
5:20 PM | 3:20 PM | 11:20 AM | discussion | Greg Walsh | ||
5:30 PM | 3:30 PM | 11:30 AM | break | |||
5:40 PM | 3:40 PM | 11:40 AM | Futures | Mary Lou Maher | And We Thought. Art Through, With or For Generative AI | Federico Bomba |
5:45 PM | 3:45 PM | 11:45 AM | Futures | Mary Lou Maher | Hidden Layer Interaction: A Co-Creative Design Fiction for Generative Models | Imke Grabe |
5:55 PM | 3:55 PM | 11:55 AM | discussion | Mary Lou Maher | ||
6:00 PM | 4:00 PM | 12:00 PM | Closing | Greg Walsh | ||
6:15 PM | 4:15 PM | 12:15 PM | Informal discussion | We offer an option to network and continue the most intersting discussions in Zoom breakout rooms. | ||
7:15 PM | 5:15 PM | 1:15 PM | End |
In addition to the presented papers the following papers were accepted without presentation:
Zijian Ding & Joel Chan: Mapping the Design Space of Interactions in Human-AI Text Co-Creation Tasks
Monika Fratczak, Erinma Ochu, Itzelle Medina-Perea, Jo Bates, and Helen Kennedy: Values, Emotions and Beliefs within Generative AI Arts Practice
Rgee Wharlo Gallega & Yasuyuki Sumi: Towards a Co-Creative System for Creating, Suggesting, and Assessing Material Textures for 3D Renderings During Design Reviews in Industrial Design
Brennan Jones, Yan Xu, Mary Anne Hood, Mohammad Shahidul Kader & Hamid Eghbalzadeh: Using Generative AI to Produce Situated Action Recommendations in Augmented Reality for High-Level Goals
Jonas Oppenlaender, Aku Visuri, Ville Paananen, Rhema Linder & Johanna Silvennoinen: Text-to-Image Generation: Perceptions and Realities
Viktoria Pammer-Schindler: ChatGPT, DALL-E, and the ThoughtGenerator: What Humans should, could, or want to be able to do in the face of generative AI, and the role of HCI research in this debate
Louis B. Rosenberg: The Manipulation Problem: Conversational AI as a Threat to Epistemic Agency
Hugh Xuechen LIU, Yuxuan Huang, & Jussi Holopainen: How to use Generative AI as a design material for future human-computer (co-)creation?
Topics and Themes
Our workshop is open to diverse interpretations of interactive generative AI, characterized by the AI systems’ abilities to make new things, learn new things and foster serendipity and emergence. We are interested in several dimensions of generative AI, including mixed initiative, human–computer collaboration, or human–computer competition, with the main focus on interaction between humans and generative AI agents. We welcome researchers from various disciplines, inviting researchers from different creative domains including, but not limited to art, images, music, text, style transfer, text-to-image, programming, architecture, design, fashion and movement. Because of the far-reaching implications of Generative AI, we propose the following list of non-exhaustive, thematic questions to guide our discussions at the workshop:
- What is generative AI and how can we leverage diverse definitions of it? Does generative AI go beyond intelligent interaction? What distinguishes generative AI?
- How do you design in this characteristically uncertain space? What design patterns do we need to think about? How does uncertainty play into this and how to we help people set expectations to designing with AI?
- Do generative AI algorithms contribute needed serendipity to the design process—or simply randomness—or worse, chaos?
- Is presenting AI as a desirable and “objective” method appropriate for generative AI?
We encourage people to write and answer their own questions as well. We hope that the workshop leads to new ways-of-thinking.
These themes can be addressed within the following topics:
- The emerging capabilities of generative AI.
- Generative AI existence in different domains including (but not limited to) images, music, text, design, and motion.
- The role of generative AI in assisting, replacing, and regimenting human work.
- Human-AI collaboration and co-creative systems.
- Ethical issues including misuses and abuses, provenance, copyright, bias, and diversity.
- The uncanny valley in Human-AI interactions.
- Speculative futures of generative AI and its implications for human-AI utopias and dystopias.
As above, we encourage people to add new topics and domains.
Contributing Your Work
Submissions may be up to 4 pages long (references may appear on additional pages), following the CHI 2023 instructions for papers at .
The deadline for submissions is 23 February 2023 AoE (i.e., 23:59pm in the latest timezone on the planet).
Submission website:
Please send any comments or questions to Michael Muller,
Lydia B. Chilton is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Columbia University. She is an early pioneer in decomposing complex tasks so that crowds and computers can solve them together. Her current research is in computational design - how computation and AI can help people with design, innovation and creative problem solving. Applications include: conveying a message within an image for journalism and advertising, developing technology for public libraries, improving risk communication during hurricanes, and helping scientists explain their work on Twitter.
Anna Kantosalo is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki. The focus of her research is Human–Computer Co-Creativity and she is defining models and methods for building and describing systems in which humans and autonomous creative agents can work together. She has chaired the Future of Co-Creative Systems workshop adjoined with the International Conference on Computational Creativity twice.
Q. Vera Liao is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Montréal, where she is part of the FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics of AI) group. Her current research interests are in human-AI interaction and responsible AI. She serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief for Springer HCI Book Series, in the Editors team for CSCW, and on the Editorial Board of ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS)
Mary Lou Maher is a Professor in the Software and Information Systems Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her early research in AI-based generative design has lead to a human centered approach to computational creativity and co-creative systems. She has Chaired the Creativity and Cognition Conference (2019) and the International Conference on Computational Creativity (2019) as well as organized several workshops on AI-based design and creativity.
Charles Martin is a Lecturer in Computer Science at the Australian National University. Charles works at the intersection of music, AI/ML and HCI. He studies how humans can interact creatively with intelligent computing systems and how such systems might fit in the real world. Charles has organised multiple generative-AI-focused workshops at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference.
Michael Muller works as a Senior Research Scientist at IBM Research in Cambridge MA USA. With colleagues, he has analyzed how domain experts make use of generative AI outcomes, and how humans intervene between “the data” and “the model” as aspects of responsible and accountable data science work. His research occurs in a hybrid space of Human-Centered AI (HCAI), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), design, and social justice.
Greg Walsh is an associate professor at the University of Baltimore where he teaches courses in Design. He is an interaction design researcher who focuses on user-centered, inclusive design for children and adults. His work seeks to include more voices in the design process and has been a recipient of a prestigious Google Faculty Research Award. His work has included participatory design sessions in Baltimore City libraries and is now exploring the use of generative AI as a co-design partner.